I used this project on "surfaces" to explore dimensionality. Each scan represents a 3D object, each posterized image represents a 2D surface, and each pen plot represents a 1D line. Each of these representations, then, is viewed via the 2D surface of a screen (or piece of paper). As I worked on this project, I wondered about the relationship between the dimensionality of an object and the dimensionality of the space in which that object is viewed. Despite the definition of a surface as a 2D object, I intuitively think of a surface in three dimensions, perhaps since my first association is to 3D plots of surfaces from multivariable Calculus. We add a third dimension to the plots to fully see the behavior of the 2D surface, just as we add a second dimension (y-axis) to the plot of a curve or line and add a single dimension (number line) to the plot of a 0D point. The "surface" is a 2-dimensional medium through which we can imagine worlds a dimension removed.