The Land Of More

My name is not important,
Nor is my face of green.
The creatures of the ocean
Know much more.
Watching the breathing, pulsing waves, I stand
Petrified by silence.

For, beneath the surface, everything is silent.
The creatures travel with importance,
And long for dry land where they can stand.
As seaweed drifts and drops curtains of green,
They wish for more
Outside of the hushed ocean.

The mysteries of the ocean,
The crumbling tons of silence:
Each inch means so much more
Yet miles dwindle in importance.
With water so wide the blacks look green,
Underwater it is impossible to stand.

So up I straighten and I stand
Above the ocean.
From up above, the water looks more blue than green,
But we still long for the silence
Of leagues of great importance,
And we yearn for the feeling of much, much more.

A fish, like we, wants more
Than she can have, and wishes to stand
In loudness (or in silence) and always in importance.
Perhaps the only place to find this is the ocean,
Where one arrives most close to silence
And at new shades of green

and blue. Perhaps the fish is green
As well, jealous of our chanting ever more.
She longs to cease her loud, distracting silence
And to stand
Above the ocean
In importance.

The waves of green do not stand
For peace, but jealousy, as the ocean teems with tangled, living silence;
Maybe someday I will reach the land of more, and my name, however loud, will teach importance.