Analytic a priori

Once given some set of objects
Subject to a selected array of axioms,
There is nothing remaining
To deduce in the world, nor was there ever
Something to generalize from discovery,
But there were merely asteroids,

Dinosaurs killed by asteroids,
Fish to rodents to humans crafting objects,
Inflating their heads with the self-prescribed duty of discovery
While planets planned axioms
In the trails of their orbits, forever
Weaving the ticker tape truths of the remaining

Universe. And really, what does remain?
Between the pebbles of asteroids
Being swept by the ever-steady
Waves of the nothingness of an ocean of space, objectified
By an intelligent infant race as actors in an axiom,
Little remains to be discovered.

With each new youthful discovery,
Our race tastes a hint of the secret truth of the remaining
Universe: that every axiom,
every star, void, and asteroid,
Is an object
Previously positioned, never

In need of explanation, never
In need of discovery,
But simply an object
Only connected to every other remaining
Star, void, asteroid
Through the one and only axiom -

A single governing paradoxical axiom
Traces, like an orbit, a never-ending
Circle, a path for each traveling thought or asteroid,
A hook in the stubborn lip of human discovery,
An invisible truth that our inventions remain
Mere objects.

Dodging asteroids and Apollo 13’s for the infant’s game of discovery,
Learning axioms and writing notations we'll never use,
We are not even ready to be frightened by the threat that the objects remaining are all one object.