sestina visualizations

color family:

These images (a flower and a small stellated dodecahedron) are created with 6 colors, each of which correspond to an end word of a sestina. The arrangement of the colors in each image matches the arrangement of sestina end words in a stanza. For example, the first and second stanzas of a sestina end with the words 1-2-3-4-5-6 and 6-1-5-2-4-3, respectively. This permutation of the digits 1-6 matches the permutation of colors of the petals in the first and second flowers (and similary for visible faces of the dodecahedron):

1 2 3 4 5 6 6 1 5 2 4 3

The color families are created by using the end word indices as the characters of hex color codes. For example, the "multi dark" color family corresponds to the hex color codes

#123456, #615243, #364125, #532614, #451362, #246531.

To create different color families, I selectively increased digits in different positions by a fixed amount. For example, to create the red color family, I increased the first character (in the first "red" position of the hex color code) by 10 units (equivalent to converting the digit to the character in the alphabet with that index) to get

#a23456, #f15243, #c64125, #e32614, #d51362, #b46531.

The available color families result from applying this process in different combinations of positions in the hex color codes and also from adjusting the colors' transparencies.

To see the code from an early iteration of the sestina visualizations, click the [code] button.

For more information about the structure of sestinas, see the [about] page.